Author: Brittny

Personal Highlights of General Conference October 2015

The author reminisces about their favorite moments from the recent General Conference. They found Elder Lawrence’s message on self-improvement impactful, and were touched by President Monson’s incident and the swift support from fellow leaders. The Ponderize concept, Elder Holland’s tribute to motherhood, and the new apostles’ diverse experiences left a lasting impression. They also appreciated the parable shared by President Uchtdorf and Sister Stephens’ relatable story about communicating love through guidance.

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Hiking Through Life’s Trials

This past Tuesday I went on a hike with our ward’s Cub Scout Pack.  One of my current callings is as Cub Scout Committee Chair and Eric serves as our ward’s Cubmaster, so even though we don’t have any cub scouts in our family yet we are very involved with the organization.  Every year we’re […]

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Miracle Headache Cure!

If you’d seen this trick posted before and wondered if it would work, let me tell you – it does! Yesterday morning I woke up with auras in my vision.  At first I thought it was just my contacts readjusting and tried to give it awhile and just get ready.  As we were about to head […]

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Temple Symbols

Last June my mom shared with me a booklet she was putting together for their stake youth conference.  I thought it was awesome and asked if I could share it on my blog.  She sent me the files and it has sat in my inbox for nearly a year waiting for me to post it.  I […]

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Amish Friendship Bread

My neighbor brought me an Amish Friendship Bread start and I was able to make some for the first time!  I remember my mom making it once when I was little and I was excited to get to do it myself.  It was a fun thing to do, but when I went to deliver my […]

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Dinner Chore Chart

For those of you who know me personally this will not come as much of a shock, but here’s my confession for today – I am a terrible housekeeper.  I really do try to keep up with the house but it just doesn’t happen.  I am not someone who enjoys cleaning and trying to keep […]

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Be Kind

The quote at the beginning of this post is something that’s been on my mind frequently over the past year – “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”.  I’ve seen this quote in the past and thought, “sure, some people are fighting really hard battles, but there are people who really just have it easy. […]

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What’s Santa bringing you for Christmas?

When I was a little girl I remember every year being excited to sit on Santa’s lap, tell him what a good girl I’d been and ask for something special for Christmas.  I loved watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  My parents didn’t make a huge deal of […]

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Most of you will remember a little over 4 months ago when I posted about the death of our neighbor’s little boy Kayson.  Tomorrow (Tuesday, October 14, 2014) would have been his 3rd birthday.  In commemoration of his birthday his family is asking that anyone who can do some act of service for someone else. […]

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The Many Adventures of Motherhood

Those of you who follow me on Facebook have probably noticed a theme of me being a little overwhelmed lately. Today I thought I should stop for a moment and properly document the adventures going on in our household recently, and some thoughts on motherhood.  If you want to skip over my tales of craziness […]

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Following Spiritual Promptings

I know I’ve promised to post about my testimony on Fast Sundays, but this post has been rattling around in my head and my heart for the past couple weeks and I needed to write it first.  So while this post will still share a portion of my testimony and explain a little bit of […]

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Faithfully Failing

In the scripture story of Nephi retrieving the brass plates, his initial failed attempts emphasize the importance of faith and enduring trials. Despite facing obstacles and risking everything, their perseverance ultimately leads to their success. The story serves as a reminder that faith is about enduring trials, and it is not an excuse to give up when things do not go as expected.

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Why I Believe: God

So I figured if I was going to do this series on what I believe, I should probably start with the very most basic of my beliefs – God exists.  Whenever I’m questioning the reasons for my beliefs, I start back at the very most basic.  If God doesn’t exist then the rest of my […]

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Adventures in Motherhood

Today was an interesting day and I just thought I needed to share it with you all.  Don’t think that there’s something profound to be had from this post – there isn’t.  Just a crazy day that needed to be documented. So, my parents are in town because my mom woke up on Tuesday and […]

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The “Relief” of Relief Society

The author recounts learning about an impromptu wedding at their parents’ house arranged by the Relief Society. Reflecting on the event, they draw parallels to historical acts of service and highlight the significance of the Relief Society in fulfilling its purpose. They express gratitude for being part of such a sisterhood.

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❤️ This Is My World ❤️

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