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Note: This post sat in my drafts folder for over 2 years.  I had originally intended to expand upon each of these items and tell the stories that go with them… but I can’t even remember the stories any more.  So I’m just backdating it, publishing it and calling it good.  Here’s a list of some of the things I was grateful for in November of 2012 🙂

November 2nd – boys who will play together happily, skills that I can use from home to contribute to my family
November 4th – old friends, cake, family
November 5th – new Adobe building! Eric has a good job
Nov 6th – right to vote, democracy, eric taking danny
Nov 7th – grateful for food storage, leaders who give us guidance
Nov 8th – washing machine to take care of clothes, husband to hold danny after puking, snuggling as a family
Nov 9th – grateful for a warm house, safety from the elements, kids sleeping through windstorm