Author: Brittny

Technology and Gospel Study

I’m giving a presentation tonight in Relief Society about how we can use technology to enhance our studies of the scriptures.  While preparing for this I came across a TON of awesome resources that I think could benefit anyone trying to get more out of their scripture study, or even just finding time to do […]

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Visiting Teaching Message – The Sacrament

With all the craziness of traveling and being sick this month I once again missed the chance to go see my visiting teachers.  Oops.  Luckily, the end of the month isn’t until tomorrow so I have one last shot to get in touch with my sisters before it’s July.  So, since this coincides with a […]

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Marriage/Parenting Advice

There is a young woman in my home stake who asked me for some help with her personal progress. Specifically she wanted help with the project in Divine Nature #2 – As a young woman you are blessed with divine feminine qualities. Increase your understanding of and appreciation for womanhood. Read Proverbs 31:10–31 and two […]

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Paying Tithing Online

If you’re like me then you have no doubt run into problems with remembering to pay your tithing when money comes in. It’s not that I don’t like paying tithing, or that I’m being grudging about it, I’m just not used to having to write checks. Tithing is pretty much the only check I write […]

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Unfortunately I wasn’t able to go visit one of the sisters I visit teach this month because she got strep 🙁  But I promised her that I would at least email her the lesson and some thoughts if I couldn’t get to visit her this month.  I figured so long as I was doing it […]

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And it was good

In Relief Society we were talking about the Creation on Sunday.  I had a thought that I wanted to share.  At the end of each day God surveys his works and declares them good.  I think that’s a good pattern for how we should live our days.  At the end of the day we should […]

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Some people come into your life for a little while and leave having changed it forever. Some people come and go without leaving much of a mark. Some people come and go, and reappear in the most unlikely places. You never know what kind of effect a person will have on your life. Such is […]

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New Year’s Resolutions 2010

I already posted my report on my resolutions from last year but I haven’t yet posted my new resolutions for 2010! I want to make these more quantifiable than last year’s goals because I felt so good about being able to check those ones off, and the more abstract goals just made me feel sad […]

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2009 Resolution Recap

Brittny’s reflections on her 2009 New Year’s resolutions show that she strived to balance motherhood, work, and marriage and improve her family’s nutrition. Although she didn’t meet all of her goals she acknowledged room for improvement and feels pleased with her progress.

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Thanksgiving – Love & Law

In her reflection on Elder Oak’s talk “Love and Law”, the author emphasizes the eternal and unyielding love of God. Drawing upon scriptural verses and her personal experiences, she underscores that even in the darkest moments, God’s love is able to reach us. Her message for Thanksgiving is gratitude for divine love, manifested through the sacrificial gift of Jesus Christ.

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A couple weeks ago Eric and I were assigned to talk about Obedience in our ward’s sacrament meeting. Since I put a fair amount of work into that talk I decided it would be beneficial to share it with everyone else as well. So, minus the story of how Eric and I met and who […]

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Tuning Out

Being a new mom has been an interesting experience. Spending all of your time caring for a baby changes your perspective on a lot of different things. One thing in particular it has opened my eyes to is how much media is inundating my life. See, as a new mom, I find it very hard […]

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Hansen family looong version

Eric was right, when he posted his highs and lows I was already working on this post. My heart is very full so there was no way this was going to be a short post. What can I say? I grew up wanting to be a novelist, not a newspaper columnist! 😛 I hope that […]

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New Year’s Resolutions

I know it is pretty trite to make a post of New Year’s Resolutions, but so be it. For several years New Year’s has actually been my favorite holiday, which may sound strange to a lot of people. I love Christmas and all the family and joy surrounding it, but it’s a holiday that is […]

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The user shared their passion for reading and listed the top 100 books according to the BBC. They have read 24 of the books and want to read 28 more.

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Just a thought i was having tonight as I was at the home a friend of mine. In my opinion, the difference between a house and a home is a family. As much as I love my roommates and I enjoy where we’re living and it is a more and more enjoyable place to live […]

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Favorite Scriptures

One of my friends asked everyone to send in their three favorite scriptures and why they are our favorites for a personal project she is doing. It looked like a really fun project so I sent her my three, and I decided that I wanted to post them up here as well. I don’t know […]

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Random Thought of the Day

Ok… so here’s my random thought for today. Have you ever noticed that people give you more credibility when you quote someone else? For example, if I were to say that the earth is round, you may take it or leave it. However, if I tell you that Copernicus stated that the earth is round, […]

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So, on Wednesday I was actually working on a post that was directed towards one of my friends. I’ve been really frustrated with him lately because we’re really good friends… most of the time. However, he’s such a private person that I never feel like I have any idea what’s going on in his life […]

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While I was on tour I completed The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. If you haven’t read it I HIGHLY recommend it. It was such an amazing book. It’s about a woman in Holland who was part of the anti-Nazi resistance during World War II. There’s a ton more to it than that but […]

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❤️ This Is My World ❤️

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The Tuttle Twins - a child's foundation of freedom

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